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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

PEAK Company Outing
~The Li River

Li River wanders from Guilin to Yangshuo in Guangxi Province. There are many peaks along it. Most of them are Karst with stalactites and stalagmites in it. This place is famous for Karst.

The mountain is like part of our body. Try to imagine a giant is in sand-bath, covers its body with sand, and only bares its face, hands, and feet. Got it!?The shape of it is just like our toes so it got a name “five-toe mountain.”

The peaks seem to stand in a queue and welcome visitors. The azure sky, the indigo peaks, and the sapphire river make a scene of Paradise.

See an animal walking in mist? It is busy carrying something important to somewhere.
Maybe food to a village, jewelry to a castle or…There are mountains with different shapes here, a wonderful place for imagination!