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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

PEAK Trip to Angkor Wat, Cambodia (13)

~ The beautiful images from culture

You can not miss the Bas-Reliefs in Cambodia. As we mentioned in previous posts. The Bas-Reliefs in Angkor Thom is to record the daily lifes of Khmer; but in Angkor Wat, it mentions the Hindu stories and Royal family life. You can see the lady figures, called Apsara, that were taked the maids of honor as models.

And most of the Bas-Reliefs describe the fairy tales. The images are vivid and polished by hand. Now the Bas-Reliefs is railled to protect the damage from tourist's touches by the authority.

The Bas-Relief is miles long and around the sanctuary. People believe it took more than 10 years to create such decent and fine sculptures. Now it is the only thing left for us to remember the past history of Cambodia. It is also the top-seven sceneries in the world and has been protected by United Nations.

- Posted by PEAK Traveler, 27th Sept. 06, Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Image from PEAK Traveler

This is a natural picture taken in the evening on a cloudy day of the Hussain Sagar Lake in Hyderabad, India. The city has grown all around with the lake as the centre, which provides the water supply for the early settlers. Now it is more of a sight seeing spot with facilities of boating and small eateries. The camera settings can be seen in the properties as the picture has not been edited in any way.

- Photo posted in 27 Sept. 06, and taken by Kapil U., India