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Thursday, September 21, 2006

PEAK Trip to Angkor Wat, Cambodia (12)
- Golden Angkor Wat

During sunset, the light comes from east and reflects on the grey wall. It makes the sanctuaries appear golden. People said it is Golden Angkor Wat. Compare with Black image in the morning, it shows the different sceneries of Angkor Wat Sanctuaries.

We took the second photo closely and you may see some roof under maintenance. It was destroyed during the wars and many sculptures have been stolen since. It is really hard for us to get a nice image. Perphas the true Angkor Wat, no matter Golden or Black, is only in mind not in sight.

There are many Bas-Reliefs in the gallery talking about the Hindu fairy tale. We will show you those images we took later on.

- 21th Sept. 06, PEAK Traveler in Angkor Wat, Cambodia.


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