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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

PEAK Trip to Angkor Wat, Cambodia (9)
- The record of living

Angkor Thom, built in 12-13 AD, is a 3-kilometer length square sized castle with four gates. The castle has a 100-meter wide mount to prevent attackers. Around the wall, there are many fine and decent Bas-Reliefs to record the Khmer lives and their history.

Visitors may be too excited to see the bayon to miss the Bas-Relief. However, it is the most important way to understand their history and life style. It is amazing that Khmer can do such fine Bas-Relief then.

The first image, you can see the palm tree which is the national tree for Khmers. They use its juice to make sugar, and the leaf and trunk and branches to build houses. And the second image show the jungle country. They were fighting with other invaders. The trees with such style are basswoods, which also reflect their religon, Buddism.

~~ Sept. 06, PEAK Traveler in Angkor Wat, Cambodia.


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12:44 pm


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