Share your photos and get a PEAK pen /souvenir from Angkor Wat, Cambodia or Japan/PEAK II Pen Drive 256MB! 1. Send your favorite photo to, and get a PEAK pen and a souvenir from Angkor Wat, Cambodia, or Japan(limited once per person)! 2. If the photos are selected by PEAK, you'll get a PEAK II Pen Drive 256MB free!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

PEAK At Hannover
~ Cebit Exhibition

PEAK Booth-A1 (13)

PEAK was in Hall 23, A113 of 2007 Cebit from March 15th to 21st. The theme of Hall 23 was digital images / storages, consistent with PEAK major flash products. There were several product categories displayed at this booth, including Flash Drive, Flash Cards, VGA, LCD Monitors, Networking and Accessories.


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